Accountability | Collaboration | Transparency in County Government
“Creating a better community for all”
-- WHAT CAN I DO? --
Without your help, zMOD WILL be approved.
Your help can be very simple:
Share information with your friends. Eighty percent of County citizens do not know about ZMOD due to poor communication by the County during a pandemic.
Please share the link to ACT4FAIRFAX.NET
The public hearings have already been held, but you can still have an important impact by letting the Board of Supervisors know you oppose ZMOD or certain elements of it.
Writing letters is important. A short letter stating your concerns to your Supervisor AND to the entire Board will make a huge difference. The record remains open until March 23.
Supervisors make the final decision, and are scheduled to vote March 23, 2021.
Addresses for each supervisor can be found by referencing the menu bar: RESOURCES. To have the most impact, please send letters early.
To have the most impact, please e-mail letters as soon as you can.
Please send your e-mail to your own supervisor. If you also send your e-mail to the entire Board, please send it to and request that it be distributed to all supervisors.
At the public hearings, the most consistent messages from residents were:
Opposition to creation of accessory dwelling units without neighborhood notice and a public hearing
Creation of up to two home-based businesses with signs in the front yard without public notice and a public hearing
Home-based businesses using chemicals detrimental to the environment and our drinking water (e.g., beauty salons and barber shops), and
Proposed changes to number and sizes of flags--including the American flag--and sizes of flagpoles
Ways to Participate:
Speak Out
Planning Commission
Board of Supervisors
Submit Testimony
Planning Commission
Board of Supervisors