Accountability | Collaboration | Transparency in County Government
“Creating a better community for all”
Parking Reimagined
Public Hearing information:
The public hearing dates for the Parking Reimagined amendment are as follows:
July 26, 2023 - Planning Commission Public Hearing. Sign up to speak at:
September 26, 2023 - Board of Supervisors Public Hearing. Sign up to speak at:
Speakers must sign up by 1pm on the date of the hearing. Groups and HOAs who sign up get 10 minutes to speak, individuals who sign up get 5 minutes, and if you don’t sign up you get 3 minutes after the other speakers have finished. Youtube videos are allowed but have to be submitted by 9am the day before. Telephone speakers are allowed if they sign up by 1pm the day of the hearing, although cell phones don't worked with the audio equipment and callers need to use land lines, and no speakerphones. You can watch the hearings on Channel 16.
Here is a link to the Parking Reimagined website for the proposed ordinance text:
Emails should be sent to and copies should be sent to the Board of Supervisors to
Residents can also send copies of their emails to Jeff McKay, Chairman at and to Kathy Smith, Land Use Chair, at
Fairfax Times Article: Parking Reimagined proposes reductions in parking minimums; residents respond
"The County is reducing the ability to use vehicles without reducing the need to do so."